krM Architecture lead a major transformation for Anderson Community Schools as the design and contractor team for the Eastside Intermediate School. The project brought a 110,000 square-foot school that had been vacated for 9 years back into operation in just 15 months. The project focused on responsible spending and integrated systems to bring the 1970’s school building back to life.
The old Eastside Middle School of ACS was renovated to serve as the Anderson Intermediate School. In 2018, ACS passed a referendum for multiple improvements to their school buildings. With an aggressive design and construction schedule, the Anderson Intermediate School opened in July 2019. Bringing all the challenges to the forefront, the design team and school representatives collaborated to respond to a tight project timeline, budget constraints, new traffic patterns, renovations of entrance space, integration of mechanical systems, updates to meet current energy codes, and much more.
The project goal was to re-configure grades to include one 5th and 6th grade school. What was needed was a complete interior remodel to add the lockers and classrooms necessary while adding twenty constructed classrooms.
The halls had original terrazzo floors that were able to be shined up. With a completely remodeled media center, cafeteria, and gym space, the interior felt “like new.”
On the exterior, the dated canopies were designed to bring more natural light and security for students. The pirate mascot was specially designed by krM who worked with a metal fabricator to add school spirit at the entryway.